Registration Info and Deadlines
IMPORTANT! Please read this page before registering! It will save you time in the long run!!
You May Make Only One Presentation in the Daytime Sessions
Each student registering to present at the Summit may make ONLY ONE presentation during the daytime sessions: i.e., only one poster or talk or panel discussion or screening, etc. With up to 300 presenters, it is impossible to build a Summit schedule that can accommodate the needs of students making more than one presentation. If you are required to make a presentation in more than one discipline, you need to discuss this with your advisors. You may, however, make one presentation in the daytime sessions and also present or perform in the evening events.
Online Registration for the 2025 Summit is open through 12 February 2025
Register early! The Summit is a popular event for students to present their work, and our time is limited. Late registrations will not be accepted, so if you are working in a course, department, or program that requires participation in the Summit, you need to get on the stick and sign up promptly!
Using the Registration System
The web-based registration form is user-friendly; remember to complete all required fields and any optional fields that apply to you. Like many webforms, you enter information and proceed to the next page. You can leave fields blank, but you must complete all required fields before submitting your registration for advisor approval. If you start a registration and don’t complete it, you can return to that registration and complete it at a later time. The next time you log in, your previous registration will appear. Just click and edit. You can also cancel your registration before you hit “Submit”.
You can edit fields or your abstract, but once you hit “submit,” you can’t make any changes until after your advisor has reviewed your registration.
Online Release and Permission Information
When you log on to registration Web page, you will see a permissions block that will ask you the following question:
Is it OK for us to publish information about your Summit presentation in the paper program and on the Summit Web site?
Please note that if you answer no, then NO INFORMATION about your presentation will be able to be published anywhere, including directional signs on the day of the Summit!
We assume the answer to this question is yes, but you need to confirm that by answering the question before you move on to the rest of your registration. If you are a co-presenter on a presentation and another student has entered your name, you will get an email prompting you to go in and give us this permission. No registration is complete until all presenters sign the permission!
Group Presentations: Presenters and Co-Presenters
If you are making a presentation with one or more other students, such as a poster with 3 co-authors, your group should determine who will register on the group’s behalf. When registering, that student must provide each additional presenter’s email address in the space provided. If you don’t, your co-presenters fall off the Summit radar. When you register, your name appears under “Presenters.” Click “Add a Co-Presenter” to add others’ email addresses. Co-presenters will receive an email once the presentation has been entered in the registration system. The email will tell co-presenters that they must go into the registration system to provide important personal information before the presentation can be submitted to the advisor for approval.
Class Presentations
If you are participating in a group presentation for a course, your instructor will provide us with the title, abstract, and media needs for the presentation. Each participating class member will be asked to complete a form to gather required personal information: 1) permission to publish name; 2) and availability in each session on the day of the Summit. We will take all of that information and register the class. And you’re done! Easy!
Media Needs
Classroom Technology supports Powerpoint, Google Slides, and video (not Keynote!)
Your abstract of 100 words or less must be entered on the web form in order to register. Please paste or type your abstract in the text box.
What is an abstract? An abstract is a one-paragraph summary of the work you are presenting. It should be clear and concise, because it will be published on the web and in the printed program.
In a virtual Summit, your abstract plays an additional important role: attendees will be reading abstracts before they select session to attend, so your abstract also is a marketing tool for your presentation!
Abstract or title changes must be submitted by 27 February 2025 in order to be included in the Summit’s Schedule and Abstracts.
Online Advisor Approval
Once you’ve submitted your registration, the system automatically sends an e-mail to the project advisor asking for review of the presentation. You must have an advisor’s approval to participate by clicking “Submit to Advisor for Approval” link at bottom of page. (Note: Advisors will not approve registrations without abstracts.)
Questions about presenting at the Mount David Summit, please send e-mail to: